The value chain deals with inbound logistics, outbound logistics, operations/manufacturing, sales and marketing, and customer service. For inbound logistics, Target has a distribution center containing multiple items, and it gets delivered to the store. The method that they follow is called the pick-and pack-strategy. That's when Workers pick up orders one at a time in bulk until everything on their shelves is completed. Next is Outbound logistics. Target has created 5 new sortation centers To hire their own deliverer. Allowing them to have a form of control over packages being delivered to customers. For operations/manufacturing. Target works with multiple vendors and hires a team that will check the environment of the vendors. Also, they will check how the product is made, if the target believes the product does not meet their standard the item would not be sold in-store and won't be made any further. For sales and marketing, Target uses social media. Also, they are known for their hunt like shopping. This method will enable them to have customers search for their products and pass by many items in the hope the customer buys more than what they came for. This will cause customers to remember the products they found and now go to target regularly for that item. Lastly is customer service. Target has an in-store station and can be called. Also on their website, they have a target help section. Target can also be 2 contacted on their social media and have a thing called ask target. This is where you can ask them any questions or concerns.
- JanNasia
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